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A 3D animated short set in a post-dystopian world. We follow a robot struggling through an overgrown Earth to reboot humanity as per its final commands, despite the fact that the very humans who issued them are long, long gone.

My animation is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is no longer around due to their own hubris, and so nature has reclaimed its space. However, one day a satellite in the upper atmosphere detects that the Earth’s atmospheric composition has come to a point in which humanity can thrive once again. It sends out a signal to robots on Earth that are programmed to bring these special power cores from deep within the Earth to various labs across the planet in order to reboot  humanity. We follow the journey of one robot in particular, who is taking in the sights of the world as he goes along his journey. He encounters a few obstacles due to the Earth having changed since his path was programmed and he has to figure out solutions using the machinery on him. Eventually he arrives at a rundown overgrown lab, deposits his core, and powers down. As he powers down, pods within the lab begin to glow, and we zoom out to see a bright light on top of the lab, indicating that the reboot sequence was successful. We continue to zoom out onto a shot of the planet where we see that there are many labs all over the world that are rebooting. I referenced Feinberg, Matthew, and Robb Willer’s “Apocalypse Soon?: Dire Messages Reduce Belief in Global Warming by Contradicting just-World Beliefs.”, Greene, Ellin, and Augusta Baker’s Storytelling: Art and Technique, Herhuth Eric’s Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination : Animation Storytelling and Digital Culture., Joyce, Stephen’s Transmedia Storytelling and the Apocalypse., Robert, Kelly’s Environmental Storytelling Strategies in Digital Environments: A Qualitative Comparison., while creating the story and designing the environments for the story to take place in.